WhatNow? New York City

WhatNow? New York City


Just Graduated? Well, WTF Now?

Sarabande bring our popular post-college survival guide to New York City

Calling all NYC graduates! Sarabande invites you to a full day of in-person 1 to 1 drop-in workstations with creative industry professionals to help bolster your confidence to push your way into the world of work.

Whatever your path, background, education, pathway - it's all valid. What Now? supports graduates and those looking for a career change to realise their creative vision, explore various career options and leave with practical tips and tricks for their next steps toward success.


10:00 - 17:00 
Drop-in Workshop Stations

Location: The Standard, East Village, 25 Cooper Sq, New York, NY 10003
(Attendees will only be admitted access for 1 slot)


Please Note
These events are being filmed and photographed for internal and commercial purposes. We would also love to keep you up-to-date with our monthly newsletter, which you can opt out of at any time. By attending these events you are accepting these terms.