Marc Quinn and Alison Lapper MBE in Conversation

In light of our inspirational speaker Alison Lapper MBE catching COVID-19, it is with regret that we have taken the decision to reschedule tomorrow's event.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and will be in touch with ticket holders as soon as possible with more information on rescheduled dates.
19:00 - 21:00
Doors open at 19:00 for refreshments and talk starts at 19:30 on the dot!
Marc Quinn’s work – which is extensive, encompassing sculptures, paintings and drawings – is not easily reduced to convenient labels. At its centre, however, is an exploration of the multifaceted experience of being human. Although by nature contemporary, his work connects frequently and meaningfully with art history, from modern masters right back to Classical antiquity.
Alison Lapper MBE challenges perceptions of physical normality, body image, disability and mental health through paintings, photography and digital art. Lapper is also a member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. Having lost her son Parys, three years ago, Alison is working on her largest exhibition to date, ‘The Drug of Art’, creating deeply personal accounts of grief, mental health and addiction, alongside artists that have had a profound impact on her life.
In 2005, Quinn and Lapper joined forces to form Quinn's the sculpture Alison Lapper Pregnant for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. The sculpture was intended by Quinn to celebrate Alison and created as a monument to the future. In 2012, Breath, a colossal replica of Alison Lapper Pregnant was commissioned for London’s 2012 Paralympics opening ceremony.
Friends for 20 years, these two artists will share their creative journeys, contributions to art and their subjective approaches towards it, including a future collaboration. We invite you all to join us in in this highly inspirational Sarabande talk.
Image Courtesy: Marc Quinn, Fourth Plinth, Alisson Lapper Pregnant, 2007 © & Courtesy of Marc Quinn Studio
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