HOW TO: SET UP A CREATIVE BUSINESS with Baker McKenzie LLP and Gravita LLP

HOW TO: SET UP A CREATIVE BUSINESS with Baker McKenzie LLP and Gravita LLP
19:00 - 21:00
Doors open at 19:00 for refreshments and talk starts at 19:30 on the dot!
With 93 new businesses created every hour across the UK in the first half of 2022 - What are the basics you need to get started with your own?
Save yourself mistakes, money, and a few grey hairs. Are you a sole trader or a limited company? Find out what is right for you.
Join us for a 'How to' crash course in setting up your business as a creative.
Leading the conversation will be representatives from award-winning legal firm Baker McKenzie and chartered accountant firm Gravita. This Sarabande talk lays out simple next steps you can follow to launch your business, and the practical and legal ways to protect yourself and your brand.
The practical talk will inform you of legal and financial implications you must consider when setting up your business.
Bring a pen and paper!
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