High Speed Freeze: Solo Exhibition by Izaak Brandt

PRIVATE VIEW: 22 JULY (19:00 - 21:00)
23 - 26 JULY (10:00 - 18:00)
Private View Performance at 19:20, so please ensure to arrive at 19:00 on the dot!
High Speed Freeze, a solo exhibition by Izaak Brandt, expands the dialogue around dance’s inherent inability to be permanent and proposes ways in which the life of a performance can be extended, monumentalised and made to live beyond its fleeting moment.
A title with an inherent contradiction, how can something that is frozen be fast? This exhibition aims to explore the speed, intensity and fatigue of performance through still objects and installation. The tension between these two states creates a show based on remnants and afterlife of movement.
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Visitors will be provided masks and hand sanitizer on entry and exit of the exhibition.
A designated route will be in place with clear two metre markings on the floor within the large, open exhibition space. Clear signage will remind people to stick to the route.
Please also see our fire evacuation route here, which attendees will be expected to follow in the event of a fire.