Great Plan...But is it a Business Plan? How-To Write Your Business Plan with Garbhan O'Bric and Guy Hammon

21 NOVEMBER 19.30-21.00PM
Business plan, business plan, business. And again-Business plan, business plan, business plan.
It cannot be stressed enough. A business plan is vital to any business, big or small, creative or corporate, industrial or environmental. Sarabande Foundation invites you to an essential (you got that already, right?) talk on how to write your business plan with Guy Hammon and current president of the Ridley Scott Creative Group, Garbhan O'Bric!
How To Write Your Business Plan throws you into the nitty gritty of a successful business plan. Broken down into bitesize chunks, Garbhan and Guy will teach you on how to plan your business journey, projections and workflows. The talk will make you question how successful you think your current business plan is! What are your goals and aspirations? Do you know what lies ahead? The challenges you will face? Have you identified your unique selling proposition (USP)? If you do not have the answers to these pressing questions, fret not-this is the time to address and answer them! Give your business a novel flair, creative embellishment and learn the best way to plan your marketing strategy!
This talk is for everyone who is starting up or already there- trying to branch out and find their way into establishing a successful business. We encourage you all to come to a talk that will truly change your business, for the better! And just so you don't forget...Business. Plan.
Doors Open 19.00PM for cocktails from Ketel One.
Please arrive on time as the talk kicks off at 19.30PM on the dot!
Image Source: The Canadian Business Journal
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