Shan Hua
Shan Hua (b. 1995) is a digital artist based in London. Her work primarily explores the relationship between pop culture and social change, using digital imagery and fairytale-like narratives to express her thoughts on identity. Shan’s practice often draws from personal experiences to examine and reflect on broad societal shifts in a microcosmic way, revealing deeper cultural and social meanings hidden within everyday life. She treats pop culture as a flexible, editable medium, blending video, sound, and text in a non-linear format to create narratives that transcend traditional concepts of time, raising questions about identity, cultural transformation, and social change. After graduating from the Royal College of Art in2022, Shan was a finalist in the inaugural VOGUE CHINA FUND in 2023. She won the Best Fashion Film Award at the London International Web & Short Film Festival (2022) and was a finalist at both the London Fashion Film Festival (2022) and ASVOFF A Shaded View on Fashion Film Festival in Paris (2023)