'Now By Me' by Donal Sturt | Exhibition

1 - 14 December 2017s
For his first exhibition at Sarabande: The Lee Alexander McQueen Foundation where he is an artist-in-residence, Donal Sturt will be exhibiting 16 interpretations of existing artworks by internationally renowned artists.
With this exhibition, Sturt aims to create a space that reflects our current climate where “no image is sacred, plagiarism is rife and ideas are constantly being stolen, manipulated and regurgitated”. Among the artists that are reproduced are Pablo Picasso, Cy Twombly, Laura Owens and Damien Hirst.
Whilst being experimental and playful, 'Now by Me.' aims to challenge the viewer, encourage them to ask questions and to think critically on how artwork is perceived in society today.
Images - Guston, Uccello, Basquiat, Twombly
Donal Sturt