Make or Break: Brand Distribution

19 OCTOBER 19:00 - 21:00
Doors Open 19:00 for refreshments kindly provided by Will Sark beers. Please arrive on time as the talk kicks off at 19:30 on the dot, and finishes at 8:45.
There's a unanimous vote. Launching a brand is no easy feat. Sure, you've covered the creative direction, making the pieces, press, actualising the vision. But what happens next? Getting it into the customer's hands.
Foreign words circulate when strategy and distribution are brought up. Product line, funding, agents, commercial terms, delivery windows...vendor finance, import license, customs bonding, sell-through rates...the conundrum that is distribution can make or break your brand. But have no fear - the experts are here.
Joining co-founder of Four Marketing and distribution expert Gino Da'Prato and Craig Green's Global Commercial and Buying Consultant and Branding Lecturer Alexander Giantsis will be lending a helping hand through all aspects of distribution, helping establish your strategy and cement your next steps.
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