How To Be A Curator with Kate Bryan, Darren Flook & Danielle Thom

HOW TO BE A CURATOR with Kate Bryan, Darren Flook and Danielle Thom
19:00 - 21:00
Doors open at 19:00 for refreshments and talk starts at 19:30 on the dot!
'I want to get into curation'.
We've all heard this statement before and the ways in which one becomes a curator remains in somewhat of a grey area.
Whether it be through formal education, an involvement in the arts, being an artist yourself or organising independently-led curatorial projects - the route in which one achieves the status of 'curator' differs. In this Sarabande practical talk 'How To Be A Curator', we invited the expert art historian, curator and writer Kate Bryan, Darren Flook and Danielle Thom to demystify what it takes to be a curator.
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