Fashion-Drawing Workshop with Daisy May Collingridge and Joshua Beaty

17:30 - 19:00
Get to know the friendliest of ‘Squishies’, Burt and Dave in this totally unique drawing class. Squishy creator and artist-in-residence Daisy May Collingridge will be joining our monthly Drawing Workshop led by Joshua Beaty.
Existing between fashion, sculpture and performance, Daisy creates flesh suits which represent the human form in a bodily and fantastical way. They celebrate flesh, form and movement. Joshua will be encouraging you to loosen up through a mixture of quick-fire exercises and longer drawing exercises to capture the wonderful energy of Burt and Dave.
Please note that these events are being filmed and photographed for internal and commercial purposes. We would also love to keep you up-to-date with our monthly newsletter, which you can opt out of at any time. By attending these events you are accepting these terms.
Please also see our fire evacuation route here, which attendees will be expected to follow in the event of a fire.