No Hard Feelings | An Open Group Crit

13 March 2019
Can you handle the heat and take the critique? No Hard Feelings, an open group crit!
We welcome creatives and offer the chance to present 'one' piece of 'in-process work', to be shared and explained amongst each other with the goal of obtaining critical feedback before hopefully moving forward. The workshop will be ed by Jonah Pontzer, painter and Sarabande artist in residence, working to his first solo exhibition that took place in May 2019. Whether you are a fashion designer, sculptor, painter, or jeweler, a fresh pair of eyes from another creative can always give you a new outlook and insight into your practice. What is the purpose of your work? Who is the audience? What are the strengths and weaknesses? Take away new a critical analysis and evaluation of work. A new voice and opinion can be the catalyst in a different direction.