INSPIRED: Gilbert and George with Michael Bracewell

INSPIRED : GILBERT & GEORGE with Michael Bracewell
19:00 - 21:00
Doors open at 19:00 for refreshments and talk starts at 19:30 on the dot!
'Art for All' - a slogan that echoes throughout galleries and studio spaces, all thanks to Gilbert & George.
Existing as living sculptures in their trademark suits, Gilbert & George's work has centred on London's East End and an anti-elitist appeal, creating series of photographic works that have invited criticism, laudation and introspect into the back alleys of East London and its worldly culture that remains a maze within the world of art but discoverable around the world.
With series such as the 'Naked Shit Pictures' (1994), 'Sonofagod Pictures' (2005) and 'Jack Freak Pictures' (2007) Gilbert & George have been recipients of notable honours such as the Turner Prize, represented the UK at the 2005 Venice Biennale and have been awarded honorary doctorates from academic institutions.
Joining Gilbert & George is writer and novelist Michael Bracewell, who has written extensively about their art.
'We want our Art to: bring out the Bigot from inside the Liberal and conversely to bring out the Liberal from inside the Bigot'
Inspirational, contentious and dynamic - get ready to be inspired by Gilbert & George.
Portrait of Gilbert & George by Tom Oldham
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