Art in the Digital Era | Unskilled Worker, Henry Stanford, Variable & Karinna Nobbs

22 November 2018
Technology is playing a fundamental role in today's creative practice. Through the eyes of some of London's most pioneering artists we found out, is this good, bad or ugly?
A thought-provoking debate where data experts and experimental artists came together to demystify the relationship between art and technology. Led by Holition's Chief Futurist and Affiliate Professor, Karinna Nobbs, this diverse panel included celebrated insta-famous artist, Unskilled Worker, Sarabande alumni and ‘big picture’ artist, Henry Stanford and innovative Creative Developer at Variable studio, Nick Nikolov.
Unskilled Worker: Self-taught artist who rose to prominence via her hugely successful Instagram account. After sharing her work online, she was discovered by the celebrated photographer and Sarabande patron, Nick Knight, who commissioned a series of portraits of Alexander McQueen’s most iconic looks. This success attracted a great deal of interest and in 2015, the artist was commissioned by the Italian fashion house Gucci to make a series of portraits that were to be the subject of an exhibition at the Minsheng Art Museum in Shanghai.
Nick Nikolov: Creative Developer at Variable. Variable is an ingenious digital studio, blending design, software and aesthetics emerging from data, processes and human behaviour. They bring to life ever changing digital sculptures, immersive installations and data-driven designs.
Henry Stanford: An inventor and artist who designs processes and machines that create garments around the human body. Henry's aim is to design an experience first and foremost, which will be facilitated by a machine. Transforming this machine from analogue to digital will allow it to be used as a tool to innovate fashion and take it beyond its current nostalgic and cyclical status.
Karinna Nobbs: Holition's Chief Futurist and Affiliate Professor. Holition is an award-winning creative innovation studio using future technologies to create intelligent and beautiful digital experiences that bridge the gap between technology and retail.
Cocktails provided by Ketel One Vodka.